전시명 : Adieu Dystopia (세번째 전시)
전시일 : 2020. 07. 01. wed ~ 2020. 08. 25. tue
참여작가 : 83인
세번째 전시 : 2020. 07. 15 wed ~ 2020. 07. 21 tue
전시작가 : (83명중 12작가) 김정좌, 김정득, 김정희, 김정환, 김국, 김경옥, 김경이, 김이훈, 김미경, 김민주, 김옥순, 김숙
전시장 : 갤러리 아트셀시 GALLERY ARTCELSI
OPENING : 2020. 07. 15. wed 3:00pm
관람시간 : 11:00am ~ 6:00pm
#일요일 휴관
문의 : 02.3442.5613

재난 위기 특별전 ' 아듀 디스토피아' 전시가 열립니다.
이번 전시는 '재난 위기 특별전'으로 Freedom 2020 참여 작가들을 알파벳 순서에 따라 70여 작가 작품들을 7회에 걸쳐 두 달 동안 장르, 경력 구분 없이 진행되며 이는 한국의 동시대 작가들은 모두 동등하다는 세계를 대상으로 전시 기획을 하는 아트셀시 기치에 따른 방식입니다.

'아듀 디스토피아' 전은 코로나 19로 크고 작게 위기를 맞은 작가들을 위로하고 인간의 이기가 지구에 얼마나 큰 재앙을 가져왔는지 생각해보는 상징적인 전시입니다. 그러나 주제로 이루어지는 전시내용은 아니고 같은 명제로 함께하는 작가들의 동참에 의의를 두었습니다.

'Freedom'은 한국의 동시대 작가들의 정보를 세계의 기획자들과 빅파워들에게 꾸준히 알리는 프로젝트이며 또한 미술관 전시를 기획하여 작가로 활동하면서 다음 기회의 다리가 되는 역할을 모색하고 있습니다. 도록, 동영상, 기타의 충실한 방식으로 한국 작가를 홍보하고 기록합니다. 팬데믹 전과 후로 부쩍 달라질 세계의 정세와 삶의 방식에 우리는 두렵습니다. 그러나 함께하며 극복할 인류애를 잃지 말자는 다짐이 곳곳에 확산하길 바랍니다.

Kim, Joung Jwa 김정좌
Graduated Silla University

2012~2019 The Ottchil Artwork Exhibition 11 times (Tongyeong,Seoul,Busan)
2009~2018 Tong-yeoung Art Fair
2007 The exhibition of painting represented by ottchil (Tongyeong ottchil art museum)
2007 The exhibition of poong-hae culture foundation ottchil example Research artworks (Tongyeong Ottchil Art Museum)
1998 Chung-moo Young Artists Association Organizational Exhibition

Kim, Jung Deug 김정득
MFA Gachon University, Seoul, Korea
Study of Fine Art, Pasadena City College, California, USA

Solo Exhibition
2019 Namu Gallery, Inchon, Korea
2018 City Council Hall, Seoul, Korea

Group Exhibition
2017 Affordable Art Fair, London, UK
2017 ASYAAF, DDP, Seoul, Korea
2017 Chelsea Art Fair, London, UK
2015 Art Seoul, Seoul Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2014 Hotel Art Fair, Ambassador Hotel, Seoul, Korea
2012 Gallery La Mer, Seoul, Korea
2004, 2005 Patchings art center exhibition, UK

Kim, Jung Hee 김정희
MFA Graduate school of Fine Arts, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea

2019 Gallery 41 Project Exhibition 'R606-4' (Gallery 41, Seoul)
2019 Freedom 2019 'Now &Future' (Fukuoka Asian Museum, Fukuoka)
2018 Workshop1 (Hanjeon Art Center, Seoul)
2018 Art Show Seoul (COEX)

Kim, Jung hwan 김정환
Solo Exhibition
2019 Art Show 2019 Booth Solo Exhibition 'What, Reality & Ideal, What' (W.R. & I.W) / coex, Seoul
2019 Bon sarang museum Special plan Exhibition / Bon Sarang museum
2019 Invitation Exhibition 'Sun and Blue love story' / Bon Sarang museum
2018 Invitation Artist Exhibition 'What sun What' (W.S.W) / Index Gallary

Group Exhibition
2019 Freedom 2019 'Now & Future' / Fukuka asian art museum / Japan
2019 Freedom 2019 'Tomorrow different from yesterday'/ Yangpyeong art museum
2017 'Photo Art Nouveau' / Dan Won Museum etc...

Publishing : W & W 2018. INDEX

Kim, Kook 김국
Solo Exhibition 8times

International Artfair and Group Exhibition more than 200times
2019 Freedom 2019 (Yangpyeong Art Museum, Yangpyeong, Korea)
2019 Freedom 2019 (Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan)

Kim, Kyoung Ok 김경옥
M.F.A Graduate school of Fine Arts, Hongik University, Korea
B.F.A Majored in history, Korea University, Korea

Solo Exhibition
2019 Invitation Solo Exhibition, Partyum Art Gallery, Incheon
2019 Time of Vaccum, Hongik museum of art, Seoul
2018 Korea Art Figuratif Exhibition, Art Center, Seoul
2016 You are the new day, CHOI JUNG AH Gallery, Seoul

Group Exhibition
2019 Daegu artfair, exco, Daegu
2019 Gwangju artfair, Kim dae jung Convention Center, Gwangju
2019 Inspiraton Éternelle, KLAF 2019 ROUEN, HALLE AUX TOILES, Paris
2019 Salon des Indepandants Korea Special Exhibition, Unique Gallery,Seoul

Selected As STANDOUT ARTIST of Asia Contemporary Art Show, Conrad Hongkong

Kim, Kyung Yi 김경이
M.F.A Graduate school of Dept. of painting, Sungshin Women’s University
B.F.A Graduated Dept. of painting, Sungshin Women’s University

Solo Exhibition 5 times.
Participated in many Group Exhibitions

Kim, Lee Hoon 김이훈
Graduate School of Arts, Chung Ang University Dept. of museum of Art
Graduated from Dept. of Painting, Chung Ang University, Korea

Solo Exhibition
2020 'Song of the Sky' / Sejong Gallery (Seoul)
2019 'Top Ducks' Ducks / Butterfly Gallery (Daejeon)
2018 'Noah's sea-walk the way of heaven' / Dongil Church Gallery (Daegu)
2017 'DIAS Daejeon International Art Show' / Trade exhibition center (Daejeon)
2015 'The Lost Sky' / Gallery Gaia (Seoul Insadong)
2015 'DIAS Daejeon International Art Show'/ Trade Exhibition Center (Daejeon)
2011 'Windy landscape' / Anseong City Library Exhibition Hall(Anseong)
2009 Jincheon Workshop Residency Small solo exhibition(Jincheon)
2004 The 3rd (21/12/2004~30/12) Gallery indeco
2000 The 2nd (27/9/2000~3/10) Gallery Joe, (5/10/2000~ 20/10) Art Center Mano
1995 The 1st (Chung Ang Univ. Exhibition Hall)

Group Exhibitioin 50 times.
Coillected : National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea Art Bank (2018)

Kim, Mi Kyoung 김미경
M.F.A Pratt Institute, New York
B.F.A College of Fine Art & Design, HongIk University

Solo Exhibitions 27 times.
2019 Galerie An Der Pinakothek der Modern, Munchen, Germanny
2017 Gallerie Bhak, Seoul
2015 Gallery Ahsh Suhrea, Seoul
2013 Shin Hwa Gallery, Hong Kong/ Lee Galerie Berlin, Berlin

Group Exhibitions 350 times.
Art Taipei(Galerie Bhak, Taipei), KIAF(Galerie Bhak, COEX), Art Busan(Galerie ArtPark, BEXCO), Art Bologna(Galerie ArtPark, Italy), SeMa Gold(SeMa, Seoul), Contemporary Art Berlin(Lee Galerie Berlin, Germany) etc...

Kim, Min Joo 김민주
Graduate of Dept. of Fine arts, Sejong University, Korea

Solo Exhibition 7 times.
2019 Art Rodem gallery, Berlin art museum, Itta space gallery
2018 Ilho gallery
2017 Fagus gallery, Art Rodem gallery
2016 31 gallery

2018 BAMA (BEXCO, Busan)
2017 Seoul art show (coex, Seoul)

Group Exhibition
2019 art rock festival INSIDE (stafild, Koyang)
2019 ROUEN KLAF (Paris, France)
2019 Frontier project (Misulsegye gallery, Seoul) etc....

Kim, Ok Soon 김옥순
B.F.A College of Fine Arts, Chosun University. Korea

Solo Exhibition 7 times

Group Exhibition
2019 Freedom 2019 'Now & Future' (Fukuoka asian art museum)
2019 Clue Road 68th (Nu-e art hall)
2019 Freedom 2019 'tomorrow different from yesterday' (Yangpyeong art museum)
2019 - 2016 Korea Woman watercolor artists association (Chohyung gallery)
2019 - 2013 Gwangju, Jeonju 'Water exchange exhibtion' (Gyodong Gallery)
2019 - 2016 Dameugi exhibition (Gwangju Biennale)
2018 - 2013 Nambu Watercolor Festival

Kim, Sook 김숙
Bachelor’s degree of economy, Soongsil university

Solo Exhibition 26 times
Gallery doo, Pink gallery, Yedam Gallery, Allmee Artspace, Chunghakdae Museum, Asan medical center Gallery, Arisu Gallery, Sejong Gallery, Johyeong Gallery, Paranneamo Gallery, KBS Gallery, Q Gallery, Seoul Museum, BLUE Gallery etc..

Group Exhibition
2019 KIAF(COEX), KAMA10’th exhibition, Gallery Doo 3 people exhibition
2019 Gapyung Golf Samsung GC 2people exibition
2019 BAMA, AHAF BUSAN, HongKong, etc
2019 Pink Art Fair Seoul 2019(Grand InterContinental Seoul Parnas)
2018 Seoul Beauty In Grace Global Art Fair(SEOUL Art Center)
2018,17,15 BUSAN Art Fair(BEXCO)
2018 art:gwangju:18(KDJ Convention Center) etc...

Grand Art Exhibition of Korea, Exhibition of Korea Watercolor Grand Competition, Korea Mokwoo Fine Arts Association Contest, etc
Philosophy Children Book Collection – Pictures : Hello Platon [Not Good for Saving without Condition!]